Category Archives: Collective Objectivity

Cross-fertilizing CI and civic intelligence

I know it’s a short notice but I’ve received the news only last night. The opportunity it represents for the cross-fertilization of the “collective intelligence” and the “civic intelligence” movements is just too important to not try to alert you all about it.
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Posted in Collective Objectivity, Politics and CI | 1 Comment

From intersubjectivity to collective objectivity: a socioeconomic imperative

“The intersubjectivity is the dropping of ego boundaries and awakening to the Authentic Self simultaneously with other people. But in this there is the emergence of an unprecedented potential for collective objectivity — which is everything! To me, that’s more important than anything else. Form a certain point of view, our future may depend on it. I mean,that’s the ultimate coming together. And in that coming together, a creative potential and source of, as you said, discriminating wisdom emerge that otherwise could never be accessed. That’s the ground from which we can begin to deal with just about anything and solve our real problems from a truly awakened, enlightened perspective. And what’s even more exciting is that as this thing emerges and gets stronger, it seems to get easier and easier for new people to have the experience.” — Andrew Cohen in conversation with Ken Wilber
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Posted in Collective Objectivity, Collective Wisdom, Intersubjectivity | 12 Comments