CI through the “cognitive” lens, Pierre Lévy

“The expression ‘collective intelligence’ relates to an extensive body of knowledge and thoughts concerned with several objects that have been diversely labeled: distributed cognition, distributed knowledge systems, global brain, super-brain, global mind, group mind, ecology of mind, hive mind, learning organization, connected intelligence, networked intelligence, augmented intelligence, hyper-cortex, symbiotic man, etc. Notwithstanding their diversity, these several rich philosophical and scientific contemporary trends have one feature in common: they describe human communities, organizations and cultures exhibiting ‘mind-like’ properties, such as learning, perceiving, acting, thinking, problem-solving, and so on… Intelligence refers to the main cognitive powers: perception, action planning and coordination, memory, imagination and hypothesis generation, inquisitiveness and learning abilities. The expression ‘collective intelligence’ designates the cognitive powers of a group.” (Frequently Asked Questions about collective intelligence, 2003).
The emphasis on CI’s cognitive dimension is strong in the work of Pierre Lévy but he also acknowledges: “[E]mphasis on cognition does not intend to diminish the essential roles of emotions, bodies, medias, sign systems, social relations, technologies, biological environment or physical support in collective intelligence processes. The study of collective intelligence (abbreviated as CI) constitutes an inter-discipline aspiring as much to a dialogue between human and social sciences as with the technical, artistic and spiritual traditions. Its goal is to understand and improve collective learning and the creative process.” (Strategy to build a CI network, manuscript by Pierre Lévy, 2003.)

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3 Responses to CI through the “cognitive” lens, Pierre Lévy

  1. CoCreatr says:

    Does this report count as CI in action? Loren Carpenter, HiveMind. One of my twitterfriends alerted me to it.“Loren+Carpenter”+swarm+OR+flock+plane


  2. George Por says:

    Does this report count as CI in action? It depends what we mean by “CI in action.” Statistical CI that I mention here , which is closely related to the “hive mind,” “wisdom of crowds,” “swarm intelligence,” etc., is only one areas of CI in action.
    This blog is more focused on CI looked at through the evolutionary lens, where it is seen as the capacity of human communities to evolve towards higher order complexity and harmony, through such innovation mechanisms as variation-feedback-selection, differentiation-integration-transformation, and competition-cooperation-coopetition.


  3. Bonjour,
    Description : Mon Blog, présente le développement mathématique de la conscience c’est-à-dire la présentation de la théorie du Fermaton.La liste des questions mathématiques les plus importantes pour le siècle à venir, le No-18 sur la liste de Smale est; Quelles sont les limites de l’intelligence tant qu’humaine et artificielle.
    Clovis Simard


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